The Sweet Life

The past couple of weeks I have felt the wonderful blessings of life pouring in from every angle imaginable. The days are brighter, and happier! Plus, Fall is just the perfect charmer to make everything feel even more magical. Since resigning my from administrative assistant position and becoming a full time student for this Fall semester I feel like I've been on cloud 9. The school I am currently in is amazing. The staff is warm and welcoming, especially my Kindergarten team. In conjunction with all the happy feels I get when at school, the love and support from my husband has been my foundation keeping me afloat throughout it all.
So, with life being extra sweet I wanted to share a couple of things that have made it just that much better.
1. My cooperating teacher. She is the sweetest, most inspiring person I have met in all of my teaching career. It has been such a pleasure to work alongside her. I feel that the months are passing by too fast, and wish I could co-teach the rest of the year with her. This experience has taught me to go all in toward my teaching career, try my hardest every day, and love every second of it. No two days are the same :)

2. Listening to the Frank Sinatra channel on Pandora has been my kick lately and it instantly calms everything around me. There is something about that jazzy 50's feel that gets me every single time.
3. Harvest decor and pumpkin scented candles. This is actually funny because before I was married I did not like candles. AT ALL! (werid I know) I think what affected me was the candle isle in any store, because too many scents clumped together wasn't pleasing for me. So, I naturally stayed away, haha! But, my husband LOVES candles. And because of that, I too love candles. It's funny how things like that work out. :P

4. Last but not least, moments spent with my husband, Tim. As the days pass by I fall deeper in love with him. I sometimes still say "oh my gosh I'm married... and you're my husband"! I recently ran the Tri-State Tough Mudder with Tim and K which resulted in me getting sick after mile 6 :( It was honestly horrible. I toughed it out all 10 miles, plus the shower outside, walking in the rain to the car, and maybe 7 minutes in the car on our way to WAWA. Yeah, lets just say I couldn't be tough anymore. After getting some soup and chips we made it home and got ready to get into bed. I had such an upset stomach that nothing stayed down. As I kept feeling bad, Tim never left my side. He warmed up the room as I finished showering, rubbed my back, tucked me into bed, and was just there for me. At that moment I looked at him and wanted to remember forever that tender moment of him taking care of me. It's all the little things he does that has me feeling like we're teenagers.
Life isn't always great. There are occasionally those times where you can't seem to set your feet on steady ground, but right now at this time in life, I love where I am. I love what I am doing, what I am learning, and with whom I am sharing it. I hope that you, the reader, can take some time to write down the blessings in your life. It can be as simple as the sound of a child laughing, or a new baked treat you want to try! Life is precious and too short to focus on the negative.
Count your blessings, name them one by one! (... I dare you)

Madi xoxo